
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell

Inside the Institute


Organization of the Unit

Direction Board

Director of the Unit

Deputy Director of the Unit

General Secretary of the Unit

Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics & Stuctural Biology (B3S)

Department of Cell Biology (BioCell)

Department of Genome Biology

Department of Microbiology

Department of Virology


All the decisions concerning the scientific strategy, the recruitments and the use of budget of the unit are discussed and taken within the direction board. The direction board meets once a week.

The scientific council of I2BC

The scientific council of the unit, composed of around 20 scientists from the different departments, meets once a month. The scientific council discusses and charts the scientific strategy of the unit, and evaluates the applications for new group leader positions together with the SAB.  The scientific council of I2BC is composed of the Director, the Deputy Director, the 6 heads of department/facilities and the coordinators of the transversal axes of the unit.

The scientific council of scientific departments

The heads of the scientific departments with the help of their deputies are responsible for the department’s budget, scientific policy and recruitment within teams. Departmental team leaders convene once a month for the scientific council of their department.

9 central "support services"

The researchers activity is supported by 9 central “support services”.

Support Services are composed of : Administration, Finance, Human Resource, Infrastructure and Technical Operations, Warehouse and H&S and also Information Systems, Biology Preparation, and Communication, Scientific Affairs and Cultural Resources.

They are leading by the Secretary whose missions, as a member of the management committee, are to help to steer the unit and be the guarantor of the rules and procedures specific to the UMR.

Reporting directly to the laboratory management, under the responsibility of the Secretary General, the Finance Department is in charge of preparing, implementing and controlling the I2BC budget in a “multi-tutelle” environment.

It provides administrative, financial and logistical support to the research activities of the unit and ensures the interface between the central services of the INSB, the Ile de France Sud Regional Delegation of the CNRS, the University of Paris-Saclay and the funders.


The Personnel and Career Management Service follows the careers of permanent and non-permanent personnel of the unit and accompanies all staff members in their different administrative undertakings.

The service supports and advises the team and service managers, the permanent staff of the laboratory (public service exams, mobility, emeritus, promotion campaigns, administrative management and follow-up, support) and the non-permanent staff (recruitment and follow-up of contractual support staff, PhD students, researchers, apprentices, trainees, management of visitors).

The service is also in charge of continuing education for all laboratory personnel (advice and identification of needs, elaboration of a training plan and follow-up of training courses).

The objective of the computing and scientific calculation service is to support the research teams in the development and  deployment of computational biology tools within the Institute. To do so, it ensures the implementation and maintenance in operational conditions of the computer infrastructure necessary for these activities. The scope of the service ranges from the user workstation to the computing clusters, including scientific workstations, and encompasses configuration of current software and development of custom applications. The service relies on a policy of advice and recommendations to support the choice of tools and computer protocols of the teams. All this is done in strict compliance with the rules of the information systems security policy defined by the supervisory authorities.

The Communication Department develops and implements the Institute’s communication strategy. It participates in the promotion of the Institute’s research and technological platforms via all communication channels. It creates, implements and distributes communication media for the Institute’s external and internal audiences. It ensures that internal communication tools are harmonized and comply with the rules. It designs and ensures the use of the graphic charter. It organizes and arranges the Institute’s documentary resources. It is responsible for proposing communication tools designed to improve the visibility and value of the Institute.

The I2BC Warehouse has a logistics mission to ensure that the chain of storage, preparation and delivery of goods is respected. With a catalog of 500 product references (consumables, chemicals, etc.), the warehouse responds quickly to the needs of research teams, platforms and services.

Designed for volume management, this system guarantees continuity of service and harmonization of products within the structure. The centralization of purchases ensures optimal control of expenses.

The Biology Preparation Service is a support service for the I2BC research teams.

The service has 19 agents in activity for 16 laundries located in 9 different buildings on 3 sites (CNRS campus of Gif-sur-Yvette, university campus of Orsay and CEA of Saclay).On average, each laundromat manages 5-6 teams that may belong to different departments and therefore have very specific equipment needs.
The missions of the service are :
– the collection, cleaning and packaging of laboratory materials and glassware;
– sterilization of glassware, solid and liquid products;
– preparation of media, buffers and solutions;
– destruction of biological materials;
– management of lab coats.
Our agents are invested, dynamic, and guarantee a know-how allowing to provide the staff of the institute with quality materials and solutions for their various research protocols.

The Plant Cultivation and Greenhouse Service provides scientists working on plants with the environment and means to carry out their research.

The Technical Department takes care of the scientific equipment as well as laboratory maintenance and fittings.

More than 100 people are involved in the implementation of Health and Safety within the I2BC. Spread over the different sites of the unit, these people ensure the functions of :

radiation protection officers (PCR): 8 people

occupational first-aiders (SST): 34 people

evacuation officers: 76 people

waste management officers: 20 people.


In addition, there are 13 prevention assistants (PA ex-ACMO) whose role is to inform and sensitize the personnel working at the Laboratory on the implementation of health and safety instructions.

The roles of the Prevention Assistants:

The PAs advise the unit director.

They ensure the implementation of health and safety in the unit: regulatory controls, training, etc.

They are the link between the Prevention and Safety service of the DR04 or the UFR Sciences and the personnel.

They welcome new employees.

They update a single document on H&S procedures that lists the actions to be taken to eliminate or reduce risks in the workplace.

They are present to answer questions about health and safety.

They must be informed of any incident or accident.


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