Industrial partnership

I2BC, as a leading fundamental research institute, stands at the forefront of technological advancement, pioneering novel scientific methodologies, tools, and approaches. Our goal is to harness these innovations in collaboration with our industrial partners.


Nestled in the heart of Paris-Saclay ranked among the world’s top 8 innovation hubs, I2BC offers a wealth of multidisciplinary expertise. Coupled with access to state-of-the-art equipment and close proximity to esteemed academic research and private R&D institutions, our institute provides an unparalleled advantage.


With the establishment of innovative enterprises, start-ups, incubators and technology transfer offices in the Paris-Saclay cluster, open innovation is becoming a leitmotiv for our scientists and engineers. The concentration and complementarity of the region’s innovation actors make the I2BC a key collaborator for industrial partners.

Partnering with I2BC guarantees industrials:


  • Expert evaluations, consultations, tests, measurements, and analyses, through our scientific infrastructure and platforms to explore innovative pathways for companies’product development.
  • Opportunities for subsidized collaborations, enabling joint applications for national and international project proposals, including programs like ANR (public-private partnerships) and European ITN. This collaboration can take various forms, such as bilateral research agreements or shared research missions with doctoral students (e.g., CIFRE) between companies and an I2BC research team.


Other key benefits:

  • Accredited under the French tax credits incentive for research activities (CIR) and private-public collaboration (CICO).
  • Adherence to high-quality management principles, with several I2BC platforms holding ISO9001/NFX50-900 certifications.


I2BC Expertises

Scientific breakthroughs are often based on technological and methodological advances. As a leading fundamental research institute, the I2BC is at the forefront of technological progress, developing innovative scientific methodologies, tools and approaches.

At I2BC, researchers study the integrative cell biology, exploring various scales ranging from single molecules to entire organisms. With our wide range of know-how and expertise, we have developed innovative technologies and tools with numerous applications across multiple industries, ranging from agricultural to pharmaceutical domains.

Download Tools Worksheet

Despite significant advances in the field of anti-cancer therapy, cancer remains one of the main causes of mortality worlwide. The absence of targeted therapeutic options for most cancer types, along with the persistent challenge of drug resistance, underscores the urgent need for collaborative efforts.

Researchers at the I2BC are actively investigating cellular processes associated with cancer, with a specific focus on processing genetic information and on the architecture of cellular structures. Through these studies, the I2BC is well poised to address the critical public health issues posed by cancer, offering novel perspectives for cancer diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

Download Cancer Worksheet

Our environment contains a multitude of microbes, including viruses, bacteria, archaea and unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms interacting with both each other and with their human hosts.

Central to our research objectives is the comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms through which these microbes interact, proliferate, cause diseases and potentially evade the immune response, and other reprogramming strategies developed by the host. The research carried out at the I2BC is of considerable importance in tackling the crucial public health challenges provoked by endemic infectious diseases, emerging epidemics, pandemics and the increasingly serious problem of antibiotic resistance. By doing so, we open up new horizons for the development of innovative, preventive and therapeutic measures against infections.

Download Infectious diseases

In the light of global change, the future of agriculture relies on sustainability and productivity.

At I2BC, scientists are at the forefront of agricultural biotechnology, deciphering the molecular complexity of photosynthetic organisms and exploring the interactions between plants and microorganisms in response to diverse environmental challenges.

Download Agricultural Biotechnology Worksheet

Given the extensive development of industrialization and urbanization, safeguarding the environment poses a significant challenge for both current and future generations.

Scientists at I2BC are actively investigating the molecular mechanisms that underlie organisms’ adaptive responses to environmental pressures. Additionally, they are exploring the processes involved in converting solar energy into chemical energy, specifically in the context of biofuels. Through these research endeavors, I2BC is committed to providing solutions aimed at mitigating or even reversing the adverse impacts of past, present and future human activities on our environment.

Download Environmental Protection Worksheet

Some companies working with the I2BC:

AB Sciences, Adisseo, Amatera Biosciences, Annoroad, de Sangosse, Flash Therapeutics, FN3PT – innov3PT, IFP Energies Nouvelles, Kelonia, Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, Nanobacterie, Oncodesign, Osivax, PiLeje, Sanofi, Stallergenes Greer, Urania Therapeutics, Valerio Therapeutics, Viroxis…



Research results industrial valorization

The I2BC is resolutely focused on innovation, working actively to valorize the results of its research in the fields of agriculture, health and the environment, from the laboratory to the market/socio-economic world. In conjunction with the structures of its supervisory bodies, dedicated to intellectual property and technology transfer, the I2BC offers a diversity of solutions (patents, know-how, software) potentially exploitable by industry.

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