Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell Jobs in I2BC New group LeadersVirology Department Post-doctoral position on the roles and interplay between RNA-based defense systems in the interactions of Clostridioides difficile with phagesTeam Regulatory RNAs in Clostridia New group LeadersCell Biology Department Bioinformatics postdoc positionNew Large-Scale RNA Analysis Methods for CancerTeam RNA Sequence, Structure & Function M2 2024 Internship Proposals Modeling aberrant protein phase transitions during stress and aging in C. elegans Team Protein Homeostasis in Development and AgingCell Biology Dpt upload file Deciphering poxvirus assembly: characterization of Viral Membrane Assembly Proteins and their interactions with model membranes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Team upload Phd-Positionin photochemistry and solar energyconversion at Paris-Saclay University (France)Team Laboratory of Bioenergetics, Metalloproteins and Stress new group leaders to establish independent research programsGenome Biology Department Post-doc offerRational design of anti-cancer compounds acting on epigeneticsTeam Molecular Assemblies and Genome Integrity How does an organism recognize and regulate Transposable Elements?: Crosstalks between two epigenetic silencing systems in Arabidopsis Team Epigenetic regulation of transposable elements in Arabidopsis Study of Nucleotide Excision Repair kinetics in yeast Team Genome transcriptional regulation Modeling aberrant protein phase transitions during aging in C. elegans. Team Protein homeostasis in development and aging Characterisation of regulatory RNAs in the human pathogen Clostridioides difficile Team Regulatory RNAs in Clostridia The role of the outer membrane of Caballeronia insecticola in the resistance to antimicrobial peptides and the colonization of plant roots and insect guts Team Plant-Bacteria Interactions Investigate Novel Players in Mammalian Mitochondrial Gene Expression Team Mammalian mitochondrial gene expression in health and disease Phospho-dependent assembly of DNA double strand break repair machineries in mitosis Team IntGen Reconstitution of the Ist2-Osh6 complex in nanodiscs for structural investigation by cryo-electron microscopy Team Membrane Proteins and Membrane Systems Laboratory Cryo-EM analysis of subnucleosomal particles generated in open chromatin regions Team Mammalian epigenomics Challenging deadly virulence mechanisms causing dysentery in the course of Shigella infection Team Protein maturation, cell fate and therapeutics Uncovering the Role of Vp16PDF in the Viral Weaponry of Bacteriophages: Implications for Vibrio parahaemolyticus Pathogen Infectivity Team Protein maturation, cell fate and therapeutics Integrative analysis of nuclear protein quality control pathways in plants Team Protein maturation, cell fate and therapeutics Challenging how a better understanding of RuBisCO might contribute to better feed the world and solve climate changes Team Protein maturation, cell fate and therapeutics Structural basis for zinc sensing in plants Team Integrated approaches to ion transport Characterization of chromosome organization in non-replicating Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells Conformation and segregation of the bacterial chromosome Long non-coding RNAs in the mitosis to meiosis switch in fission yeast Team RNA-binding proteins in gene expression and cell differentiation The gp12 protein of bacteriophage SPP1, a model of prokaryotic collagens Team Bacteriophages of Gram-Positive Bacteria Study of the regulatory mechanisms of the Drs2p lipid flippase embedded in a lipidic bilayer using all-atom molecular dynamics simulation Team Membrane Proteins and Membrane Systems Laboratory Functional dissection of a chromatin domain boundary in mouse embryonic stem cells Team Chromatin Dynamics Determination of 3D genome organization in mouse embryonic stem cells using in-vitro transcription based Hi-C Team Chromatin Dynamics I2BC Works with Junior Professor position Assistant Professor position High resolution microscopy research engineer (M/F) Postdoctoral position in Microbiology/Bacteriology, M/FTeam Horizontal Gene Transfer in pathogenic bacteria: from old to new model organisms Assistant Engineer M/F Team Structural Biochemistry of Microtubules, Kinesins and their Cargos Research Engineer positionTeam Bacteria and Archea Radioresistance Team Programmed genome rearrangements CNRS job - All offers click here