

YourI2BC is an association established for young researchers (Students, Postdoctoral researchers, and Technicians) to make it easier for them to progress through their careers.

2023 PhD Days - May 25th & 26th -

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2 days seminar for I2BC PhD students
Oral presntations 1
Oral presentations
Posters session 1
Posters sessions
Posters session 2
Posters sessions
Posters session 3
Posters sessions
Posters session 4
Posters sessions
Posters session 5
Posters sessions
Posters session 5
2 days seminar for I2BC PhD students
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Purpose of YourI2BC

  The main aims of the organisation are:

  • Building skills for scientific communication.
  • Mediating language exchange between French and International researchers at I2BC.
  • Bonding socially with each other.
  • Helping one another through our experiences.
  • Offer emotional support for times when it gets tough.

What's planned for this year?

  • Rendez-vous mensuel: meet up at the end of the month with short scientific presentations followed by snacks and drinks.
  • Soirée langues: once a month get together for language exchange over coffee.
  • Invited seminars: inviting researchers from different disciplines to share their work.
  • Jour du barbecue: have a feast with everyone together and welcome the new year.
  • Sciences et arts: share your research work creatively.

2022 I2BC BBQ



The new YourI2BC board looks forward to running events in the following year, and hope to see everyone there!

Claudia SEROT


PhD Student (2nd year)

Renaud Legouis Team, Cell Biology dpt, Bldg 22

I did my bachelor at Versailles University and my master in Molecular & Cellular Biology at Sorbonne Université.  After my studies I had the opportunity to work on different subjects such as the readthrough or the mode of action of antimalarial in the I2BC. I’m now doing my thesis which is supervised by Renaud Legouis. I’m studying the mechanisms of resistance and adaptation to heat stress in Caenorhabditis elegans. Outside of research, I like to walk and to eat but not cook.


Vice President

PhD student (2nd year)

F.X. Barre Team, Genome Biology dpt, Bldg 26

“I did my bachelor’s degree in Université Paris-Sud (Biologie Santé), and followed with a master’s degree in Sorbonne Université and Pasteur Institute in fundamental microbiology.

After doing my M2 internship in the FX BARRE team where I worked on the XerCD system in Vibrio cholerae, I continued as a CNRS PhD student to investigate further on integrative mobile elements exploiting XerCD in this bacterium. I’m particularly interested in the mechanism of integration of the cholera toxin-encoding bacteriophage CTX into the V. cholerae genome.

If you want to know more, dare climb up to building 26 and you might see me prowling around. I love chatting, joking, drinking beer, YourI2bc friday evening gatherings, chess, cinema, football, music (listening to) and science of course.”



PhD (1st year)

Christophe LE CLAINCHE Team, Building 22 Cell Biology department

I did 2 years of Preparatory Classes for Grandes Ecoles so I could enroll in Agrocampus Ouest (now named l’Institut Agro), an engineering school in Rennes, and I obtained my master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology that was co-accredited by Rennes 1 University. As of now, I work as a PhD student under the supervision of Christophe Le Clainche, and I study actin cytoskeleton dynamics in in-vitro models based on micropatterning techniques. Outside of work, I like going out to concerts and live DJ sets, but I also enjoy crochet, board games and anime.”

Eve Mercier


PhD (1st year)

Fabienne Malagnac Team, building 23, genome biology department

I did my bachelor degree at Bordeaux University, and I moved to Paris-Saclay University for my master degree. During my M2, I studied SUMOylation dynamic in the yeast pombe in a DNA damage context. I obtained my PhD scholarship in the team of Fabienne Malagnac, and I work now on a genetic and epigenetic mechanism which represses repeated sequences in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina.

Outside of the lab, I like painting, reading (whatever comes to hand), and playing games (board or video)  with friends.”




Inge KUHL Team, Cell Biology Dpt, Bldg 22 

I come from the south of France (I can confirm, it is less cold…), I did all my studies in Toulouse in biochemistry and structural biology.

My previous internships were completely different, I studied proteomics and resistance to cancer treatments. Now, I’m working on the regulation of mitochondrial DNA in health and disease under the supervision of Inge Kühl (Matrix team!).

I wanted to join YourI2BC team in order to involve myself in the organization of the events and to satisfy PhD students and young researchers! “

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