Biochemistry of Metalloproteins
and Associated Diseases



  • Srour B., Gervason S., Want K., Monfort B., Sizun C., Schunemann V., Fonda E., Dutkiewicz R., Goldberg P., Guigliarelli B., Burlat B., D’Autréaux B.* Iron insertion at the assembly site of the ISCU scaffold protein is a conserved process initiating Fe-S cluster biosynthesis J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2022), 144(38), 17496-17515
  • Monfort B., Want K., Gervason S., D’Autréaux B.* Recent advances in the elucidation of Frataxin biochemical function open novel perspectives for the treatment of Friedreich’s ataxia Front. Neurosci. (2022), 16, 1-17


  • Gervason S., Srour B., D’Autréaux B.* A Fast and Ratiometric Method for Quantification of Cysteine-Bound Persulfides Based on Alkylation Gel-Shift Assays Methods Mol. Biol. (2021), 2353, 191-205
  • Maková B., Mik V., Lišková B., D’Autréaux B., Hajdúch M., Strnad M., Voller J. Cytoprotective activities of kinetin purine isosteres Bioorg. Med. Chem. (2021), 33, 115993


  • Gervason S., Srour B., D’Autréaux B.* Mechanism of iron-sulfur cluster assembly: in the intimacy of iron and sulfur encounter Inorganics Review (2020), 8(10), 55-93
  • Russi M., Martin E., D’Autréaux B., Tixier L., Tricoire H., Monnier V. A Drosophila model of Friedreich Ataxia with CRISPR/Cas9 insertion of GAA repeats in the frataxin gene reveals in vivo protection by N-Acetyl Cysteine Hum. Mol. Genet. (2020), 29(17), 2831-2844


  • Gervason S., Grandas A., Fontecave M., Schünemann V., Cianférani S., Sizun C., Tolédano M.B., D’Autréaux B.* Physiologically relevant reconstitution of iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis uncovers persulfide-processing functions of ferredoxin-2 and frataxin Nature Commun. (2019), 10(1):3566.


  • Ponsero A., Igbaria A., Darch M., Miled S., Outten C.E., Winther J.R., Palais G., D’Autreaux B., Delaunay-Moisan A., Toledano M.B. Endoplasmic Reticulum Transport of Glutathione by Sec61 Is Regulated by Ero1 and Bip Molecular Cell, (2017), 67(6):962-973.
  • Bersweiler A., D’Autréaux B., Mazon H., Kriznik A., Belli G., Delaunay-Moisan A., Toledano M.B., Rahuel-Clermont S. A scaffold protein that chaperones a cysteine-sulfenic acid in H2O2 signaling Nature Chem. Biol. (2017), 13(8):909-915.


  • Parent A., Elduque X., Cornu D., Belot L., Le Caer J.P., Grandas A., Toledano M., D’Autréaux B.* Mammalian frataxin directly enhances sulfur transfer of NFS1 persulfide to bo ISCU and free thiols Nature Commun. (2015), 6:5686
  • Noichri Y., Palais G., Ruby V., D’autreaux B., Delaunay-Moisan A., Nyström T., Toledano M. In vivo parameters influencing 2-Cys Prx oligomerization: The role of enzyme sulfinylation Redox biology (2015) 6, 326-333

Prior to 2015

  • Martin D., Charpilienne A., Parent A., Boussac A., D’Autréaux B., Poupon J., Poncet D. The rotavirus nonstructural protein NSP5 coordinates a [2Fe-2S] iron-sulfur cluster that modulates interaction to RNA FASEB J. (2013), 27(3):1074-83
  • Spiro S., D’Autréaux B.* Non-Heme Iron Sensors of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species Antioxid. Redox Signal., (2012), 17(9):1264-1276
  • Kumar C., Igbaria A., D’Autréaux B., Planson A.G., Junot C., Godat E., Bachhawat A.K., Delaunay-Moisan A., Toledano M.B. Glutathione revisited: a vital function in iron metabolism and ancillary role in thiol-redox control EMBO J. (2011), 30(10):2044-56.
  • Soler N., Delagoutte E., Miron S., Facca C., Baïlle D., D’Autreaux B., Craescu G., Frapart Y., Mansuy D., Baldacci G., Huang M., Vernis L. Interaction between the reductase Tah18 and highly conserved Fe‐S containing Dre2 C‐terminus is essential for yeast viability Mol. Microbiol. (2011), 82 (1), 54-67
  • Toledano M.B. , Fourquet S., D’Autréaux B. Cellular signaling by reactive oxygen species: biochemical basis and physiological scope, Signal Transduction: Pathways, Mechanisms and Diseases, (2010), 1, 313-336
  • Kumar C., Igbaria A., D’Autreaux B., Toledano M.B. The cellular functions of eukaryotic GSH and thioredoxin pathways revisited, FEBS J. (2009), 276, 43
  • Fourquet S., Huang M.E., D’Autreaux B., Toledano M.B. The Dual Functions of Thiol-Based Peroxidases in H2O2 Scavenging and Signaling Antioxid. Redox Signal. (2009), 10 (9), 1565-1576
  • Tucker N.P.†, D’Autréaux B.†, Yousafzai F., Fairhurst S., Spiro S., Dixon R. Analysis of the nitric oxide-sensing non-heme iron center in the NorR regulatory protein J. Biol. Chem. (2008), 283(2):908-918.
  • D’Autréaux B., Tucker N., Spiro S., Dixon R. Characterization of the nitric oxide-reactive transcriptional activator NorR Methods Enzymol. (2008) 437, 235-251
  • Guerrier L., D’Autreaux B., Atanassov C., Khoder G., Boschetti E. Evaluation of a standardized method of protein purification and identification after discovery by mass spectrometry J. Proteomics (2008) 71 (3), 368-378
  • D’Autréaux B., Toledano M.B. ROS as signalling molecules: mechanisms that generate specificity in ROS homeostasis Nature Rev. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2007), 8(10):813-24.
  • D’Autréaux B., Pecqueur L., Gonzalez de Peredo A., Diederix R.E., Tabet L., Bersch B., Forest E., Michaud-Soret I. Reversible redox- and zinc-dependent dimerization of the Escherichia coli fur protein Biochemistry (2007), 46(5):1329-1342.
  • Pecqueur L.†, D’Autréaux B.†, Dupuy J., Nicolet Y., Jacquamet L., Brutscher B., Michaud-Soret I., Bersch B. Structural changes of Escherichia coli ferric uptake regulator during metal-dependent dimerization and activation explored by NMR and X-ray crystallography J. Biol. Chem. (2006), 281(30):21286-95.
  • D’Autréaux B., Tucker N.P., Dixon R., Spiro S. A non-haem iron centre in the transcription factor NorR senses nitric oxide Nature (2005), 437(7059):769-772.
  • Tucker N., D’autreaux B., Studholme D., Spiro S., Dixon R. DNA Binding Activity of the Escherichia coli Nitric Oxide Sensor NorR Suggests a Conserved Target Sequence in Diverse Proteobacteria J. Bacteriol. (2004) 186 (19), 6656-6660
  • D’Autréaux B., Horner O., Gambarelli S., Berthomieu C., Latour J.M., Michaud-Soret I. Spectroscopic description of the two nitrosyl-iron complexes responsible for fur inhibition by nitric oxide J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2004); 126(19):6005-16.
  • D’Autréaux B., Touati D., Bersch B., Latour J.M., Michaud-Soret I. Direct inhibition by nitric oxide of the transcriptional ferric uptake regulation protein via nitrosylation of the iron Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2002); 99(26):16619-24.
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