
All the equipments are accessible after training by the facility engineers.


Bruker Vertex 80V (under vacuum – to minimize noise and water vapor contamination; cryostat option; detectors: Bolometer, DTGS, MCT; spectral range between 100 and 6000 cm-1). It is interfaced with a pulsed Continuum Surelite laser with OPO (tunable between 440 and 670 nm) to study photoinduced processes. This instrument is dedicated to time-resolved FTIR measurements (rapid-scan, step-scan) with a time resolution of 100 ns.


Bruker IFS88 (cryostat and ATR accessories; detectors: MCT, DTGS, Si. Spectral range between 800 and 6000 cm-1). It is interfaced with a Quantel Nd:YAG pulsed laser – 266 / 532 nm – and with a Vis lamp and LEDs). This instrument can perform fast scan time resolved FTIR measurements (5 ms time resolution). FT-Vis-NIR experiments are also possible.

resolution of 100 ns.


Thermo-Nicolet 6700 (ATR and SEIRA accessories; detectors: MCT, InSb, DTGS. Spectral range between 600 and 10000 cm-1). Possibility to study electrochemically induced reactions.

Liquid, powder, solution and protein samples can be studied

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