Protein maturation,
cell fate and therapeutics

C, El Amri, Giglione C, and Lalmanach G. 2024. “A Yummy Blend of Homeostasis and Proteolytic Mechanisms.” Biochimie, October.
Brünje, Annika, Magdalena Füßl, Jürgen Eirich, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Paulina Heinkow, Ulla Neumann, Minna Konert, et al. 2024. “The Plastidial Protein Acetyltransferase GNAT1 Forms a Complex with GNAT2, yet Their Interaction Is Dispensable for State Transitions.” Molecular & Cellular Proteomics: MCP, September, 100850.
Eirich, Jürgen, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Laura Armbruster, Aiste Ivanauskaite, Carolina De La Torre, Thierry Meinnel, Markus Wirtz, Paula Mulo, Iris Finkemeier, and Carmela Giglione. 2024. “Light Changes Promote Distinct Responses of Plastid Protein Acetylation Marks.” Molecular & Cellular Proteomics: MCP, September, 100845.
Rivière, Frédéric, Cyril Dian, Rémi F. Dutheil, Paul Monassa, Carmela Giglione, and Thierry Meinnel. 2024. “Novel, Tightly Structurally Related N-Myristoyltransferase Inhibitors Display Equally Potent yet Distinct Inhibitory Mechanisms.” Structure (London, England: 1993), August, S0969-2126(24)00318-6.
Guedes, Joana P., Jean Baptiste Boyer, Jasmine Elurbide, Beatriz Carte, Virginie Redeker, Laila Sago, Thierry Meinnel, Manuela Côrte-Real, Carmela Giglione, and Rafael Aldabe. 2024. “NatB Protects Procaspase-8 from UBR4-Mediated Degradation and Is Required for Full Induction of the Extrinsic Apoptosis Pathway.” Molecular and Cellular Biology, August, 1–14.
Coux, Olivier, Rosa Farràs, and Core Group of ProteoCure. 2024. “ProteoCure : An European Network to Fine-Tune the Proteome.” Biochimie, June, S0300-9084(24)00140-8.
Riemenschneider, Henrick, Qiang Guo, Jakob Bader, Frédéric Frottin, Daniel Farny, Gernot Kleinberger, Christian Haass, et al. 2024. “Author Correction: Gel-like Inclusions of C-Terminal Fragments of TDP-43 Sequester Stalled Proteasomes in Neurons.” EMBO Reports, June.
Buggiani, Julia, Thierry Meinnel, Carmela Giglione, and Frédéric Frottin. 2024. “Advances in Nuclear Proteostasis of Metazoans.” Biochimie, April, S0300-9084(24)00081-6.
Wu, Xiaofen, Anca M. Segall, Carmela Giglione, and Thierry Meinnel. 2024. “The Complete Genome of Vibrio Sp. 16 Unveils Two Circular Chromosomes and a Distinctive 46-Kb Plasmid.” Microbiology Resource Announcements, February, e0122223.
Gong, Xiaodi, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Simone Gierlich, Marlena Pożoga, Jonas Weidenhausen, Irmgard Sinning, Thierry Meinnel, et al. 2024. “HYPK Controls Stability and Catalytic Activity of the N-Terminal Acetyltransferase A in Arabidopsis Thaliana.” Cell Reports 43 (2): 113768.
Etherington, Ross D., Mark Bailey, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Laura Armbruster, Xulyu Cao, Juliet C. Coates, Thierry Meinnel, Markus Wirtz, Carmela Giglione, and Daniel J. Gibbs. 2023. “Nt-Acetylation-Independent Turnover of SQUALENE EPOXIDASE 1 by Arabidopsis DOA10-like E3 Ligases.” Plant Physiology, July, kiad406.
Arnesen, Thomas, Henriette Aksnes, and Carmela Giglione. 2023. “Protein Termini 2022: Central Roles of Protein Ends.” Trends in Biochemical Sciences, March, S0968-0004(23)00075-0.
Meinnel, Thierry, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, and Carmela Giglione. 2023. “The Global Acetylation Profiling Pipeline for Quick Assessment of Protein N-Acetyltransferase Specificity In Cellulo.” Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2718:137–50.
Rivière, Frédéric, Paul Monassa, Carmela Giglione, and Thierry Meinnel. 2023. “Kinetic and Catalytic Features of N-Myristoyltransferases.” Methods in Enzymology 684:167–90.
Meinnel, Thierry, and Carmela Giglione. 2022. “N-Terminal Modifications, the Associated Processing Machinery, and Their Evolution in Plastid-Containing Organisms.” Journal of Experimental Botany 73 (18): 6013–33.
Willems, Patrick, Pitter F. Huesgen, Iris Finkemeier, Emmanuelle Graciet, Thierry Meinnel, and Frank Van Breusegem. 2022. “Editorial: Plant Protein Termini: Their Generation, Modification and Function.” Frontiers in Plant Science 13 (September).
Rivière, Frédéric, Cyril Dian, Rémi F. Dutheil, Paul Monassa, Carmela Giglione, and Thierry Meinnel. 2022. “Structural and Large-Scale Analysis Unveil the Intertwined Paths Promoting NMT-Catalyzed Lysine and Glycine Myristoylation.” Journal of Molecular Biology, September, 167843.
Nyonda, Mary Akinyi, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Lucid Belmudes, Aarti Krishnan, Paco Pino, Yohann Couté, Mathieu Brochet, Thierry Meinnel, Dominique Soldati-Favre, and Carmela Giglione. 2022. “N-Acetylation of Secreted Proteins in Apicomplexa Is Widespread and Is Independent of the ER Acetyl-CoA Transporter AT1.” Journal of Cell Science 135 (15): jcs259811.
Meinnel, Thierry. 2022. “Comment on ‘Binding Affinity Determines Substrate Specificity and Enables Discovery of Substrates for N-Myristoyltransferases.’” ACS Catalysis 12 (14): 8195–8201.
Meinnel, Thierry. 2022. “Tracking N-Terminal Protein Processing from the Golgi to the Chromatophore of a Rhizarian Amoeba.” Plant Physiology 189 (3): 1226–31.
Miklánková, Pavlína, Eric Linster, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Jonas Weidenhausen, Johannes Mueller, Laura Armbruster, Karine Lapouge, et al. 2022. “HYPK Promotes the Activity of the Nα-Acetyltransferase A Complex to Determine Proteostasis of NonAc-X2/N-Degron–Containing Proteins.” Science Advances 8 (24): eabn6153.
“Gel-like Inclusions of C-Terminal Fragments of TDP-43 Sequester Stalled Proteasomes in Neurons.” 2022. EMBO Reports n/a (n/a): e53890.
Giglione, Carmela, and Thierry Meinnel. 2022. “Mapping the Myristoylome through a Complete Understanding of Protein Myristoylation Biochemistry.” Progress in Lipid Research 85 (January):101139.
Asensio, Thomas, Cyril Dian, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Frédéric Rivière, Thierry Meinnel, and Carmela Giglione. 2022. “A Continuous Assay Set to Screen and Characterize Novel Protein N-Acetyltransferases Unveils Rice General Control Non-Repressible 5-Related N-Acetyltransferase2 Activity.” Frontiers in Plant Science 13.
Frottin, Frédéric, Manuela Pérez-Berlanga, F. Ulrich Hartl, and Mark S. Hipp. 2021. “Multiple Pathways of Toxicity Induced by C9orf72 Dipeptide Repeat Aggregates and G4C2 RNA in a Cellular Model.” ELife 10 (June):e62718.
Giglione, Carmela, and Thierry Meinnel. 2021. “Evolution-Driven Versatility of N Terminal Acetylation in Photoautotrophs.” Trends in Plant Science 26 (4): 375–91.
Meinnel, Thierry, Cyril Dian, and Carmela Giglione. 2020. “Myristoylation, an Ancient Protein Modification Mirroring Eukaryogenesis and Evolution.” Trends in Biochemical Sciences 45 (7): 619–32.
Bienvenut, Willy V., Annika Brünje, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Jens S. Mühlenbeck, Gautier Bernal, Ines Lassowskat, Cyril Dian, et al. 2020. “Dual Lysine and N-Terminal Acetyltransferases Reveal the Complexity Underpinning Protein Acetylation.” Molecular Systems Biology 16 (7): e9464.
Dian, Cyril, Inmaculada Pérez-Dorado, Frédéric Rivière, Thomas Asensio, Pierre Legrand, Markus Ritzefeld, Mengjie Shen, et al. 2020. “High-Resolution Snapshots of Human N-Myristoyltransferase in Action Illuminate a Mechanism Promoting N-Terminal Lys and Gly Myristoylation.” Nature Communications 11 (1): 1132.
Huber, Monika, Willy V. Bienvenut, Eric Linster, Iwona Stephan, Laura Armbruster, Carsten Sticht, Dominik Layer, et al. 2020. “NatB-Mediated N-Terminal Acetylation Affects Growth and Biotic Stress Responses.” Plant Physiology 182 (2): 792–806.
Armbruster, Laura, Eric Linster, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Annika Brünje, Jürgen Eirich, Iwona Stephan, Willy V. Bienvenut, et al. 2020. “NAA50 Is an Enzymatically Active Nα-Acetyltransferase That Is Crucial for Development and Regulation of Stress Responses.” Plant Physiology 183 (4): 1502–16.
Linster, Eric, Dominik Layer, Willy V. Bienvenut, Trinh V. Dinh, Felix A. Weyer, Wiebke Leemhuis, Annika Brünje, et al. 2020. “The Arabidopsis Nα-Acetyltransferase NAA60 Locates to the Plasma Membrane and Is Vital for the High Salt Stress Response.” New Phytologist 228 (2): 554–69.
Vetten, H. Josef, Dennis Knierim, Mirko Sebastian Rakoski, Wulf Menzel, Edgar Maiss, Bruno Gronenborn, Stephan Winter, and Bjoern Krenz. 2019. “Identification of a Novel Nanovirus in Parsley.” Archives of Virology 164 (7): 1883–87.
Millar, A. Harvey, Joshua L. Heazlewood, Carmela Giglione, Michael J. Holdsworth, Andreas Bachmair, and Waltraud X. Schulze. 2019. “The Scope, Functions, and Dynamics of Posttranslational Protein Modifications.” In Annual Review of Plant Biology, 70:119–51. Annual Reviews. 10.1146/annurev-arplant-050718-100211.
Knierim, Dennis, Quentin Barrière, Ioana Grigoras, Stephan Winter, Heinrich-Josef Vetten, Mark Schwinghamer, John Thomas, Paul Chu, Bruno Gronenborn, and Tatiana Timchenko. 2019. “Subterranean Clover Stunt Virus Revisited: Detection of Two Missing Genome Components.” Viruses 11 (2): 138.
Apel, Cecile, Jerome Bignon, Maria Concepcion Garcia-Alvarez, Sarah Ciccone, Patricia Clerc, Isabelle Grondin, Emmanuelle Girard-Valenciennes, et al. 2018. “N-Myristoyltransferases Inhibitory Activity of Ellagitannins from Terminalia Bentzoe (L.) L. f. Subsp. Bentzoe.” Fitoterapia 131 (November):91–95.
Castrec, Benoit, Cyril Dian, Sarah Ciccone, Coralie L. Ebert, Willy V. Bienvenut, Jean-Pierre Le Caer, Jean-Marc Steyaert, Carmela Giglione, and Thierry Meinnel. 2018. “Structural and Genomic Decoding of Human and Plant Myristoylomes Reveals a Definitive Recognition Pattern.” Nature Chemical Biology 14 (7): 671–79.
Majeran, Wojciech, Jean-Pierre Le Caer, Lalit Ponnala, Thierry Meinnel, and Carmela Giglione. 2018. “Targeted Profiling of Arabidopsis Thaliana Subproteomes Illuminates Co- and Posttranslationally N-Terminal Myristoylated Proteins.” The Plant Cell 30 (3): 543–62.
Grzela, Renata, Julien Nusbaum, Sonia Fieulaine, Francesco Lavecchia, Michel Desmadril, Naima Nhiri, Alain Van Dorsselaer, et al. 2018. “Peptide Deformylases from Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Phage and Bacteria Display Similar Deformylase Activity and Inhibitor Binding Clefts.” Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta 1866 (2): 348–55.
Grigoras, Ioana, Heinrich-Josef Vetten, Ulrich Commandeur, Heiko Ziebell, Bruno Gronenborn, and Tatiana Timchenko. 2018. “Nanovirus DNA-N Encodes a Protein Mandatory for Aphid Transmission.” Virology 522:281–91.
Grzela, Renata, Julien Nusbaum, Sonia Fieulaine, Francesco Lavecchia, Willy V. Bienvenut, Cyril Dian, Thierry Meinnel, and Carmela Giglione. 2017. “The C-Terminal Residue of Phage Vp16 PDF, the Smallest Peptide Deformylase, Acts as an Offset Element Locking the Active Conformation.” Scientific Reports 7 (1): 11041.
Bienvenut, Willy Vincent, Jean-Pierre Scarpelli, Johan Dumestier, Thierry Meinnel, and Carmela Giglione. 2017. “EnCOUNTer: A Parsing Tool to Uncover the Mature N-Terminus of Organelle-Targeted Proteins in Complex Samples.” BMC Bioinformatics 18 (1): 182.
Fieulaine, Sonia, Rodolphe Alves de Sousa, Laure Maigre, Karim Hamiche, Mickael Alimi, Jean-Michel Bolla, Abbass Taleb, et al. 2017. “Corrigendum: A Unique Peptide Deformylase Platform to Rationally Design and Challenge Novel Active Compounds.” Scientific Reports 7 (January):39365.
Bienvenut, Willy V., Carmela Giglione, and Thierry Meinnel. 2017. “SILProNAQ: A Convenient Approach for Proteome-Wide Analysis of Protein N-Termini and N-Terminal Acetylation Quantitation.” In Protein Terminal Profiling, edited by Oliver Schilling, 1574:17–34. New York, NY: Springer New York.
Fieulaine, Sonia, Rodolphe Alves de Sousa, Laure Maigre, Karim Hamiche, Mickael Alimi, Jean-Michel Bolla, Abbass Taleb, et al. 2016. “A Unique Peptide Deformylase Platform to Rationally Design and Challenge Novel Active Compounds.” Scientific Reports 6 (October):35429.
Frottin, Frédéric, Willy V. Bienvenut, Jérôme Bignon, Eric Jacquet, Alvaro Sebastian Vaca Jacome, Alain Van Dorsselaer, Sarah Cianferani, Christine Carapito, Thierry Meinnel, and Carmela Giglione. 2016. “MetAP1 and MetAP2 Drive Cell Selectivity for a Potent Anti-Cancer Agent in Synergy, by Controlling Glutathione Redox State.” Oncotarget 7 (39): 63306–23.
Breiman, Adina, Sonia Fieulaine, Thierry Meinnel, and Carmela Giglione. 2016. “The Intriguing Realm of Protein Biogenesis: Facing the Green Co-Translational Protein Maturation Networks.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics 1864 (5): 531–50.
Linster, Eric, Iwona Stephan, Willy V. Bienvenut, Jodi Maple-Grødem, Line M. Myklebust, Monika Huber, Michael Reichelt, et al. 2015. “Downregulation of N-Terminal Acetylation Triggers ABA-Mediated Drought Responses in Arabidopsis.” Nature Communications 6 (July):7640.
Dinh, Trinh V., Willy V. Bienvenut, Eric Linster, Anna Feldman-Salit, Vincent A. Jung, Thierry Meinnel, Rüdiger Hell, Carmela Giglione, and Markus Wirtz. 2015. “Molecular Identification and Functional Characterization of the First Nα-Acetyltransferase in Plastids by Global Acetylome Profiling.” Proteomics 15 (14): 2426–35.
Bienvenut, Willy V., Carmela Giglione, and Thierry Meinnel. 2015. “Proteome-Wide Analysis of the Amino Terminal Status of Escherichia Coli Proteins at the Steady-State and upon Deformylation Inhibition.” Proteomics 15 (14): 2503–18.