Cryo-electron microscopy

Al-Qatabi, Noha, Maud Magdeleine, Sophie Pagnotta, Amélie Leforestier, Jéril Degrouard, Ana Andreea Arteni, Sandra Lacas-Gervais, Romain Gautier, and Guillaume Drin. 2024. “Characterization of Atypical BAR Domain-Containing Proteins Coded by Toxoplasma Gondii.” The Journal of Biological Chemistry, October, 107923.
Ambre, Dauba, Spitzlei Claire, B. Bautista Kathlyne Jayne, Jourdain Laurène, Selingue Erwan, VanTreek Kelly, Mattern A. Jacob, et al. 2024. “Low-Boiling-Point Perfluorocarbon Nanodroplets for Adaptable Ultrasound-Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Opening.” Journal of Controlled Release: Official Journal of the Controlled Release Society, October, S0168-3659(24)00696-5.
Royet, Adrien, Rémi Ruedas, Laetitia Gargowitsch, Virginie Gervais, Johann Habersetzer, Laura Pieri, Malika Ouldali, et al. 2024. “Nonstructural Protein 4 of Human Norovirus Self-Assembles into Various Membrane-Bridging Multimers.” The Journal of Biological Chemistry, August, 107724.
Glon, Damien, Benjamin Léonardon, Ariane Guillemot, Aurélie Albertini, Cécile Lagaudrière-Gesbert, and Yves Gaudin. 2024. “Biomolecular Condensates with Liquid Properties Formed during Viral Infections.” Microbes and Infection, August, 105402.
Mance, Lucija, Nicolas Bigot, Edison Zhamungui Sánchez, Franck Coste, Natalia Martín-González, Siham Zentout, Marin Biliškov, et al. 2024. “Dynamic BTB-Domain Filaments Promote Clustering of ZBTB Proteins.” Molecular Cell 84 (13): 2490-2510.e9.
Jaffal, Hoda, Mounia Kortebi, Pauline Misson, Paulo Tavares, Malika Ouldali, Hervé Leh, Sylvie Lautru, Virginia S. Lioy, François Lecointe, and Stéphanie G. Bury-Moné. 2024. “Prophage Induction Can Facilitate the in Vitro Dispersal of Multicellular Streptomyces Structures.” PLoS Biology 22 (7): e3002725.
Auzat, Isabelle, Malika Ouldali, Eric Jacquet, Beatrix Fauler, Thorsten Mielke, and Paulo Tavares. 2024. “Dual Function of a Highly Conserved Bacteriophage Tail Completion Protein Essential for Bacteriophage Infectivity.” Communications Biology 7 (1): 1–12.
Ruedas, Rémi, Rémi Vuillemot, Thibault Tubiana, Jean-Marie Winter, Laura Pieri, Ana-Andreea Arteni, Camille Samson, Slavica Jonic, Magali Mathieu, and Stéphane Bressanelli. 2024. “Structure and Conformational Variability of the HER2-Trastuzumab-Pertuzumab Complex.” Journal of Structural Biology 216 (2): 108095.
Babot, Marion, Yves Boulard, Samira Agouda, Laura Pieri, Sonia Fieulaine, Stéphane Bressanelli, and Virginie Gervais. 2024. “Oligomeric Assembly of the C-Terminal and Transmembrane Region of SARS-CoV-2 Nsp3.” Journal of Virology, March, e0157523.
Rossier, Ombeline, Cécile Labarre, Anne Lopes, Monique Auberdiac, Kevin Tambosco, Daniel Delaruelle, Hakima Abes, et al. 2024. “Genome Sequence of PSonyx, a Singleton Bacteriophage Infecting Corynebacterium Glutamicum.” Microbiology Resource Announcements, January, e0115523.
Jaffal, Hoda, Mounia Kortebi, Pauline Misson, Paulo Tavares, Malika Ouldali, Hervé Leh, Sylvie Lautru, Virginia S. Lioy, François Lecointe, and Stéphanie Bury-Moné. 2024. “Characterization of a Novel Temperate Phage Facilitating in Vitro Dispersal of Multicellular Bacteria.” bioRxiv.
Jaudoin, Céline, Maria Maue Gehrke, Isabelle Grillo, Fabrice Cousin, Malika Ouldali, Ana-Andreea Arteni, Evelyne Ferrary, et al. 2023. “Release of Liposomes from Hyaluronic Acid-Based Hybrid Systems: Effects of Liposome Surface and Size.” International Journal of Pharmaceutics 648 (December):123560.
Ghouil, Rania, Simona Miron, Koichi Sato, Dejan Ristic, Sari E. van Rossum-Fikkert, Pierre Legrand, Malika Ouldali, et al. 2023. “BRCA2-HSF2BP Oligomeric Ring Disassembly by BRME1 Promotes Homologous Recombination.” Science Advances 9 (43): eadi7352.
Miller, Jessalyn, Agathe Urvoas, Benoit Gigant, Malika Ouldali, Ana Arteni, Agnes Mesneau, Marie Valerio-Lepiniec, Franck Artzner, Erik Dujardin, and Philippe Minard. 2023. “Engineering of Brick and Staple Components for Ordered Assembly of Synthetic Repeat Proteins.” Journal of Structural Biology 215 (3): 108012.
Veremeienko, Vasyl, Chloe Magne, Minh-Huong Ha-Thi, Ana Arteni, Andrew Pascal, Mikas Vengris, Thomas Pino, Robert Bruno, and Manuel Llansola-Portoles. 2023. “Singlet Fission in Heterogeneous Lycopene Aggregates.” ChemRxiv.
Pourcel, Christine, Malika Ouldali, Paulo Tavares, and Christiane Essoh. 2023. “The Saclayvirus Aci01-1 Very Long and Complex Fiber and Its Receptor at the Acinetobacter Baumannii Surface.” Archives of Virology 168 (7): 187.
Honfozo, Ariane, Rania Ghouil, Tchilabalo Dilezitoko Alayi, Malika Ouldali, Ana-Andreea Arteni, Cynthia Menonve Atindehou, Lucie Ayi Fanou, Yetrib Hathout, Sophie Zinn-Justin, and Stanislas Tomavo. 2023. “The Luminal Domain of Toxoplasma Gondii Sortilin Adopts a Ring-Shaped Structure Exhibiting Motifs Specific to Apicomplexan Parasites.” Frontiers in Parasitology 2.
Jaudoin, Céline, Isabelle Grillo, Fabrice Cousin, Maria Gehrke, Malika Ouldali, Ana-Andreea Arteni, Luc Picton, et al. 2022. “Hybrid Systems Combining Liposomes and Entangled Hyaluronic Acid Chains: Influence of Liposome Surface and Drug Encapsulation on the Microstructure.” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 628 (December):995–1007.
Bousset, Luc, Ania Alik, Ana Arteni, Anja Böckmann, Beat H. Meier, and Ronald Melki. 2022. “α-Synuclein Fibril, Ribbon and Fibril-91 Amyloid Polymorphs Generation for Structural Studies.” In Protein Aggregation: Methods and Protocols, edited by Andrzej Stanisław Cieplak, 345–55. Methods in Molecular Biology. New York, NY: Springer US.
Cargemel, Claire, Hélène Walbott, Dominique Durand, Pierre Legrand, Malika Ouldali, Jean-Luc Ferat, Stéphanie Marsin, and Sophie Quevillon-Cheruel. 2022. “The Apo-Form of the Vibrio Cholerae Replicative Helicase DnaB Is a Labile and Inactive Planar Trimer of Dimers.” FEBS Letters n/a (n/a).
Pieri, Laura, Fengbin Wang, Ana-Andreea Arteni, Matthijn Vos, Jean-Marie Winter, Marie-Hélène Le Du, Franck Artzner, et al. 2022. “Atomic Structure of Lanreotide Nanotubes Revealed by Cryo-EM.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (4).
Romero Castro, Valeria Lizeth, Brahim Nomeir, Ana Andreea Arteni, Malika Ouldali, Jean-Luc Six, and Khalid Ferji. 2021. “Dextran-Coated Latex Nanoparticles via Photo-RAFT Mediated Polymerization Induced Self-Assembly.” Polymers 13 (23): 4064.
Ghouil, Rania, Simona Miron, Lieke Koornneef, Jasper Veerman, Maarten W. Paul, Marie-Hélène Le Du, Esther Sleddens-Linkels, et al. 2021. “BRCA2 Binding through a Cryptic Repeated Motif to HSF2BP Oligomers Does Not Impact Meiotic Recombination.” Nature Communications 12 (1): 4605.
Ikkene, Djallal, Ana Andreea Arteni, Malika Ouldali, Gregory Francius, Annie Brûlet, Jean-Luc Six, and Khalid Ferji. 2021. “Direct Access to Polysaccharide-Based Vesicles with a Tunable Membrane Thickness in a Large Concentration Window via Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly.” Biomacromolecules 22 (7): 3128–37.
Ould Ali, Malika, Karine Moncoq, Agnès de la Croix de la Valette, Ana A. Arteni, Jean-Michel Betton, and Jean Lepault. 2021. “Study of Membrane Deformations Induced by Hepatitis C Protein NS4B and Its Terminal Amphipathic Peptides.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1863 (3): 183537.
Fieulaine, Sonia, Martin D. Witte, Christopher S. Theile, Maya Ayach, Hidde L. Ploegh, Isabelle Jupin, and Stéphane Bressanelli. 2020. “Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus Protease Binds Ubiquitin Suboptimally to Fine-Tune Its Deubiquitinase Activity.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 (40): 13769–83.
Beilstein, Frauke, Abbas Abou Hamdan, Hélène Raux, Laura Belot, Malika Ouldali, Aurélie A. Albertini, and Yves Gaudin. 2020. “Identification of a PH-Sensitive Switch in VSV-G and a Crystal Structure of the G Pre-Fusion State Highlight the VSV-G Structural Transition Pathway.” Cell Reports 32 (7): 108042.
Ikkene, D., A. A. Arteni, H. Song, H. Laroui, J-L. Six, and K. Ferji. 2020. “Synthesis of Dextran-Based Chain Transfer Agent for RAFT-Mediated Polymerization and Glyco-Nanoobjects Formulation.” Carbohydrate Polymers 234 (April):115943.
Belot, Laura, Malika Ouldali, Stéphane Roche, Pierre Legrand, Yves Gaudin, and Aurélie A. Albertini. 2020. “Crystal Structure of Mokola Virus Glycoprotein in Its Post-Fusion Conformation.” PLoS Pathogens 16 (3): e1008383.
Guerrero-Ferreira, Ricardo, Nicholas M. I. Taylor, Ana-Andreea Arteni, Pratibha Kumari, Daniel Mona, Philippe Ringler, Markus Britschgi, et al. 2019. “Two New Polymorphic Structures of Human Full-Length Alpha-Synuclein Fibrils Solved by Cryo-Electron Microscopy.” Elife 8 (December):e48907.
Essawy, Nada, Camille Samson, Ambre Petitalot, Sophie Moog, Anne Bigot, Isaline Herrada, Agathe Marcelot, Ana-Andreea Arteni, Catherine Coirault, and Sophie Zinn-Justin. 2019. “An Emerin LEM-Domain Mutation Impairs Cell Response to Mechanical Stress.” Cells 8 (6): 570.
Guerrero-Ferreira, Ricardo, Nicholas M. I. Taylor, Ana-Andrea Arteni, Pratibha Kumari, Daniel Mona, Philippe Ringler, Markus Britschgi, et al. 2019. “Two New Polymorphic Structures of Alpha-Synuclein Solved by Cryo-Electron Microscopy.” BioRxiv, May, 654582.
Campanacci, Valérie, Agathe Urvoas, Soraya Cantos-Fernandes, Magali Aumont-Nicaise, Ana-Andreea Arteni, Christophe Velours, Marie Valerio-Lepiniec, et al. 2019. “Insight into Microtubule Nucleation from Tubulin-Capping Proteins.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (20): 9859–64.
Samson, Camille, Ambre Petitalot, Florian Celli, Isaline Herrada, Virginie Ropars, Marie-Helene Le Du, Naima Nhiri, et al. 2018. “Structural Analysis of the Ternary Complex between Lamin A/C, BAF and Emerin Identifies an Interface Disrupted in Autosomal Recessive Progeroid Diseases.” Nucleic Acids Research 46 (19): 10460–73.
Ouldali, Malika, Virginie Maury, Gisèle Nicolas, and Jean Lepault. 2018. “Photosome Membranes Merge and Organize Tending towards Rhombohedral Symmetry When Light Is Emitted.” Journal of Structural Biology 202 (1): 35–41.
Ma, Miao, Ines Li de La Sierra Gallay, Noureddine Lazar, Olivier Pellegrini, Jean Lepault, Ciarán Condon, Dominique Durand, and Herman van Tilbeurgh. 2017. “Trz1, the Long Form RNase Z from Yeast, Forms a Stable Heterohexamer with Endonuclease Nuc1 and Mutarotase.” The Biochemical Journal 474 (21): 3599–3613.
Baquero, Eduard, Aurélie A Albertini, Hélène Raux, Abbas Abou‐Hamdan, Elisabetta Boeri‐Erba, Malika Ouldali, Linda Buonocore, et al. 2017. “Structural Intermediates in the Fusion‐associated Transition of Vesiculovirus Glycoprotein.” The EMBO Journal 36 (5): 679–92.
Samson, Camille, Florian Celli, Kitty Hendriks, Maximilian Zinke, Nada Essawy, Isaline Herrada, Ana-Andreea Arteni, et al. 2017. “Emerin Self-Assembly Mechanism: Role of the LEM Domain.” The FEBS Journal 284 (2): 338–52.
- Malika Ouldali1, Karine Moncoq, Agnès de la Croix de la Valette, Ana A. Arteni, Jean Michel Betton and Jean Lepault, Visualization of the membrane deformations induced by Hepatitis C protein NS4B and its terminal amphipathic peptides, BBA,, December 2020
- Frauke Beilstein, Abbas Abou Hamdan, Hélène Raux, Laura Belot, Malika Ouldali, Aurélie A Albertini, Yves Gaudin, Identification of a pH-Sensitive Switch in VSV-G and a Crystal Structure of the G Pre-fusion State Highlight the VSV-G Structural Transition Pathway, Cell Rep., doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108042, August, 2020
- Djallal Ikkene, Ana Andreea Arteni, Malika Ouldali, Jean-Luc Six and Khalid Ferji, Self-assembly of amphiphilic copolymers containing polysaccharide: PISA versus nanoprecipitation, and the temperature effect, Polymer Chemistry,, June, 2020
- Ikkene, AA. Arteni, H. Song, H. Laroui, J-L. Six, K. Ferji, Synthesis of Dextran-Based Chain Transfer Agent for RAFT-Mediated Polymerization and Glyco-Nanoobjects Formulation, Carbohydrate Polymers,, April, 2020
- Belot L, Ouldali M, Roche S, Legrand P, Gaudin Y, Albertini AA., Crystal structure of Mokola virus glycoprotein in its post-fusion conformation, PLoS Pathogen, doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008383, Mars, 2020