Next Generation Sequencing

The Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Core Facility was founded in January 2010 and is accessible to all academic and industrial users.

The Core Facility offers a broad range of services: library preparation, sequencing and primary data analysis.

It has two specific aims:
• to offer users a wide range of techniques for the preparation of DNA-seq and RNA-seq libraries and their sequencing
• to offer users bioinformatics analyses: mapping and further analyses that are previously defined with the users at the beginning of each project.

  • In some cases, for more complicated projects, a full collaboration can be set up between the NGS Core Facility and the users.


  1. If necessary, the project is discussed in a meeting with members of the facility
  2. You send us by e-mail a filled request form
  3. You receive by e-mail the corresponding quote
  4. You send us a purchase order
  5. Samples delivery. We carry on with quality controls.
  6. Library preparations
  7. Sequencing
  8. Bioinformatics analyses (primary analysis and more)
  9. Results are sent by email along with a Data or a Mapping Report. Data will be made available for download.
    • Data storage is guaranteed for two months.
  10. Invoice

The facility processes approximately 200 projects a year.

The NGS Core Facility is ISO 9001 certified since October 2015, and NFX 50-900 certified since November 2017.

Quality: our management system is certified ISO 9001:2015 and NFX 50-900:2016.
Our Science and Quality policy can be downloaded “here“.

The facility is member of IBiSA and France Genomique  networks.

R&D Axes

Bioinformatics and Molecular biology
  • Epigenetics & Epitranscriptomics : detection of modified bases by direct sequencing of DNA and RNA by ONT method.
  • Ultra-long reads sequencing by ONT
  • Single Cell sequencing and analysis by 10X Genomics method
  • Improved small RNA libraries for Illumina
  • Library preparation from ultra low input material




Head of Facility

Research Engineer


Technical Manager Research engineer (Molecular biology)

Delphine NAQUIN

Technical Manager Engineer (Bioinformatics)


(Molecular biology)


Emeritus researcher (Bioinformatics)


(Administration and Quality management)

External funding



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