Strategic axes confront the future

Processing of genetic information
and its dysfunctions

Axe 2

Processing of genetic information and its dysfunctions

Proper cellular function requires the correct processing of genetic information. This Research Axis aims to determine how the genome sequence is reliably maintained,  how the transfer from DNA sequence to RNA synthesis to protein production is achieved, and how dysfunctions in these processes cause cellular pathologies. This axis incorporates many cellular processes, including DNA replication, DNA repair and DNA recombination, gene expression and gene regulation, RNA stability and RNA translation and protein maturation. To address these biological questions, a wide range of methodologies can be applied, which include genomics assays, structural biology approaches, imaging techniques,, bioinformatics data analysis and biophysical and mathematical modeling in a large variety of model systems and disease models. Of particular interest to this Axis are approaches that provide information about  single-cell and spatial heterogeneity (genomics, imaging) and/or single-molecule variability (structural biology, data analysis and modeling).

Strategic Axis coordinators: 


  1. Characterize molecular processes and mechanisms responsible for genome maintenance and chromosome segregation.
  2. Analyze relationships between chromosome organization, gene expression and genome maintenance mechanisms.
  3. Study the roles of non-coding RNAs and RNA modifications on cellular physiology.
  4. Define how these processes are controlled along the cell cycle, upon variation of physiological conditions, upon endogenous or environmental stress and characterize associated response mechanisms.
  5. Understand dysfunctions of genetic information processing that are responsible for cancer, aneuploidy, developmental defects or aging.
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