Light Microscopy

Imagerie-Gif light microscopy core facility is dedicated to the imaging of the cell in this dynamic environment.
Our users can be trained and supported to apply advanced technologies (FRAP, FLIM, colocalisation, tracking) and image analysis workflow


Our systems allow multi-scale imaging ranging from the tissue (macroscopy), cellular (confocal microscopy) to the subcellular scale (super-resolved microscopy). The platform is hosted within the Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), which gives it a strong expertise in the study of different biological models: animal cells, plants, seedlings, bacteria, yeasts… In order to allow users to make the best use of the data obtained on the microscopes, they are also supported in image processing and analysis. Powerful computing stations equipped with dedicated software are made available to them. The Imagerie-Gif facilities can manage private sector projects as it is certified according to ISO 9001:2015/NFX 50-900:2016 standards.

R&D Axes


Romain LE BARS

Head of Facility

Research Engineer

Sandrine LECART

Research Engineer


Research Engineer



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